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Will a BridgeTEFL certificate allow me to teach in the North America?

Last Updated: Aug 12, 2019 09:08AM MDT

No. Each state has its own requirements for becoming a certified ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, but generally TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) is an occupation that requires a minimum of a 4-year university degree, and more commonly a Master's degree in TESOL. Instructors in accredited IEP programs in the USA must have at least a bachelors degree and a minimum of 3 months of full-time equivalent ESL or foreign language classroom teaching experience, or a bachelors degree along with a certificate in teaching ESL or a foreign language, that include a practice teaching component.

BridgeTEFL can serve as a supplemental certificate to someone who is already certified by state standards, but is looking for a refresher course.

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